3rd October 2023
The BHWHG had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon delivering our first talk to the Ageing Well Festival at Hove Library. We had a full attendance, plus some enthusiasts who turned up hoping there was room for a few more…we found the room for them!

We focused on 4 different areas;
Gerry presented: The history of our group (Including our work getting women’s plaques for the city; our naming of women on Brighton’s buses and also a summary of our latest research topic on “Working women of B and H in the 20th Century.”
Maria presented: A history of Laundresses in the city from the 19th through to the 20th century.
Jenny presented: Professional women musicians of the past, Maud Bond, Adelaide Waggett, Eveline Petherick and Molly Paley.
Clare presented; A look at Havelock Road, Fiveways through the censuses.

Our audience contributed with enthusiasm and lots of interesting topics for us to explore further. Many thanks to Julie from Jubilee Library for suggesting we take part in the festival; also to Anne the AWF organiser and also to the very helpful staff at Hove Library. We would love to do another talk there.