Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I start to research history about women in my family or women in general who were specifically linked with Brighton and Hove ?
Always ask any living family members first. Primary sources such as photographs; birth; wedding and death certificates ; family bibles ; people’s memories and stories can be invaluable.
Using Family websites can be very helpful. Access to “Find My Past”is free in all local libraries in the Brighton and Hove area and at ” The Keep” at Falmer, where local records are now kept and archived. The local directories are also stored there and are often a source of excellent material.
Other on-line family history websites are : Ancestry ( yearly or monthly subscription ) Family Search is free to access ( although beware that family trees cannot be made private on there….family tree creation is safer on Ancestry ) Scots People ( pay as you go ) Deceased on-line ( pay as you go )
As a women’s history group we have members who can help you to get started with your research.

How do I join the Brighton and Hove Women’s History Group ?
Email us at We will add you to our mailing list and we will let you know the dates of our up and coming ‘Drop-ins’ or talks or other events.