Three members of our group, from left to right Sue Delafons, Jean Calder and Maria, attended the Mayor’s reception at the Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel on Friday 10th May 2024, to  celebrate the outgoing Mayor Councillor Jackie O’Quinn’s year in office.  We met Victoria Garcia from Brighton & Hove Bus Company, who kindly supported us with our recent plaque unveiling to Mary Hare in March and has asked us to provide more women’s names to go on the new buses.  We also spoke with Councillor Alison Thompson from Regency Ward, who is interested in our work, and Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who told us he was pleased to see women’s history promoted around the city and spoke of his support for the Mary Clarke Statue Appeal. We wish the Mayor well in her future endeavours, and want to thank her for her ongoing support of our group this past year.  We may have a new member of our group before too long, watch this space!

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